WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT OBESITYObesity is a term that we hear a lot, especially here in America. To a lot of people, obesity simply means overweight. However, obesity...
HOW TO DITCH MEDICINES & LIVE A HEALTHY LIFE THIS YEARIt’s no secret that a lot of Americans are taking prescription medications on a daily basis. According to a Georgetown University study...
WHAT WILL YOUR 2020 LOOK LIKE?Every year, a lot of people set resolutions for the upcoming new year. Resolutions usually involve parts of people’s lives that they...
4 REASONS A QCA GIFT CERTIFICATE IS THE PERFECT GIFTA Variety of Options QCA gift certificates are available for Botox treatments, Cool Sculpting treatments, and weight loss. With so many...
LEARN HOW TO MANAGE DIABETESDiabetes is a disease that has to do with the level of blood sugar. There are two types of diabetes, appropriately named Type 1 and Type...